Lin Zhao is enrolled in the Accelerated Second Degree BSN program and recently received the William R. Hearst Scholarship.

Scholarship recipient Dung Ngo wants to serve underrepresented populations after graduation. She is a Community Health major with a concentration in clinical science.
College’s Development Office reports that students have been awarded a record number of scholarships for the 2020-21 academic year.
According to new data from the College of Health and Human Service’s Development Office, 91 students have been awarded scholarships for the upcoming academic year, with $430,000 total distributed. This is a record high for the College, representing 59% growth in scholarship dollars distributed and 52% growth in number of students that received scholarships between 2017 to present. An increase is also anticipated for the spring 2021 semester. This represents a growing trend for the College and is due to an increase in new and existing donors continuing to support the need for student scholarships. Scholarship support comes from alumni, faculty, staff, and partner organizations, including businesses and foundations in the community that wish to support students pursuing a career in the health field.
“Each scholarship means so much to its recipient, and positively enhances their academic experience. Scholarships build students’ confidence, reduce the stress that comes with jugging school and work, and instill a desire to pay it forward to the next generation of Patriots,” says Shannon Donohue, a development officer who oversees the CHHS scholarship program. “None of it would be possible without the incredible support and generosity of our scholarship donors.”
The William R. Hearst Foundation Scholarship was one of several new awards distributed in the 2020-21 academic year. It was established for undergraduate students who wish to work in health fields and serve vulnerable and uninsured populations. In its inaugural distribution year, the scholarship was awarded to 10 student recipients.
“A huge weight was alleviated from my shoulders as I gravitated closer to my goal. For the longest time, I have always aspired to become a health advocate for our community as a nurse,” says Hearst Scholarship recipient, Savina Yang. She is a nursing major in the class of 2023. Mason’s diverse community has been vital to continuing her education and her journey to pursue nursing. “With the scholarship, I can turn my goals and ambitions into a reality and demonstrate to other first-generation students to never give up on their dreams.”
“This scholarship will keep my passion burning by providing financial support that I need in order to be successful in the nursing program,” notes Deborah Deperio, another Hearst Scholarship recipient with plans to provide care to underserved communities after completing her nursing degree. The scholarship is one of many ways Deperio feels supported by her Mason community and motivated to continue her studies to her best ability, “It serves as a reminder that there are people who believe in me and are willing to help in reaching my dreams and future endeavors.”
“Being an independent student responsible for education and living expenses, life has offered me financial challenges and barriers at every step,” says Nazia Kazim, an award recipient studying Health Administration. “Through this scholarship I will successfully be able to continue working towards my degree and achieving my goal.” Kazim is a senior that hopes to improve healthcare settings by combining health with information technology and reduce the steep costs of health care for patients across the country. “My educational pursuit would have been very difficult without the generous support from William R. Hearst scholarship. I am appreciative of their support of my education.”
Due to COVID-19, many students are experiencing financial uncertainty. Scholarships are one way to help students pursue their education and focus on their studies, instead of worrying about the cost of tuition. CHHS offers a variety of scholarships for students of various backgrounds, areas of study, and interests. Applications for the spring 2021 semester scholarships will open later this fall.